2024 International Conference on Low-carbon Development and Green Architecture (ICLDGA)


Guidance For Speakers

Guidance For Speakers

A good speaker brings positive opportunities to the conference by attracting attendees, reinforcing conference themes, and inspiring the audience by providing fresh insights and perspectives. Therefore, experts in conference-related fields and industry thought leaders are invited to share diverse opinions, offer new perspectives and connect with audience by giving a speech on this exciting gathering.

Becoming a Speaker

You are invited to fill out the  Conference Scholar's CV (click to download) and submit it to icldgaconference@126.com by the deadline. 

Deadline for Making a Proposal

Please submit your proposal before October 1.2024.

If the proposal has been successfully approved, we we will contact you in one week. 

Criteria for Speaker Selection

As we always receive more proposals than we were able to include, the Organizing Committee will apply these criteria when selecting a speaker:

1. The extent to which the speech content can be judged to be credible, innovative and relevant to the conference themes.

2. Whether the speech suits the audience at multiple experience levels and adds value to the conference.

3. Experience and knowledge of those proposing.

Contact & Cancel Rules

Speakers are accountable for providing a valid email address and responding to the Organizing Committee or conference staff in a timely fashion. If you need to cancel for some reason, please notify the conference staff immediately, better with replacement recommendations for your particular topic. Please be aware that failure to receive a response from a speaker after three follow-up emails will result in instant exclusion from the speaker list.

Tips for Participation

1. Check-in at the registration desk upon arrival.

2. Send your PPT presentation to icldgaconference@126.com at least 2 weeks ago and bring your PPT presentation on a USB Flash drive/travel drive to the conference.

3. Rehearse your presentation in advance.

4. Keep presentations non-commercial.

General Guidelines

1. Timing

We would request that you avoid any delays in starting the presentation. Speakers should arrive at the conference at least half an hour before the scheduled time for your speech. 

Keep notice of the time scheduled for your speech in the Invitation Letter. Usually, every speaker is allotted 45 minutes (including 5 minutes left for Q&A) in total. Please do not exceed the time limit, and leave enough time for the audience to ask questions.

2. Dress Tips

We strongly encourage speakers to wear formal attire for a professional look at the conference.

3. Culture Difference

As participants come from countries and regions across the world with different cultures, we strongly encourage speakers to keep in positive and welcoming manners, with speech content free from inappropriate humor, or the expression of religious, political, philosophical, or other beliefs.

4. Permission to record or reproduce

By joining the conference, you're giving an OK for your talk to be recorded and live-streamed as well as later made available on the internet or used in other educational activities of ICLDGA.

5. Laptop use

The equipped laptops or thumb drives must not be occupied for personal use except for uploading or downloading the presentation.


What type of speaker will suit you best?

Keynote Speaker

Keynote Speaker is the lead speaker who sets the tone for the conference. A Keynote Speaker talks extensively on a specific topic or industry to address the conference theme to the whole audience. 

Plenary Speaker

Plenary speaker is often from a corporation, association or the same industry to address the specific topic to all of the conference participants in plenary session. 

Invited Speaker

Conference organizers may take the initiative to invite a prominent speaker from a related field or with rich experience in the industry to deliver a motivational speech that reinforces the themes and builds on a specific topic. The invitation is mostly on the basis of the nomination from committee members.

Contributed Speaker

Contributed Speaker could be a motivational speaker or an industry expert who does a talk about one specific topic for a part of the audience in a parallel.